convulsa or The Need for Each Other’s Relay
Ok, let's start to entangle....What could be an institutional critique of the tradition of masculinist thinking of space or space of thinking? Whereas “man thinks with his objects” according to Jacques Lacan, we could respond with Ursula K. le Guin’s Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction that the first cultural device was probably a recipient, like a sling, a bundle, or a net carrier—not abone, as a tool, a weapon, or a symbol. Such a vessel is, to speak with Catherine Malabou,“(...) an empty but resistant essence, an essence that is resistant precisely because it is empty”.
Visual essay as contribution to the online conference
„On Activity II: Space and Materiality“
organized by Michael Friedman and Samo Tomšič
an event of „Matters of Activity - Image Space, Material“, Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt University Berlin, March 19, 2021
Biographic Note
For her site-specific work, artist Katrin Mayer often researches archives and local histories in order to reflect and question the historicity of a given place in the present. Gender-political narratives are called upon and formulated as spatial-material installations in such a way that they work against the fiction of a ‘neutral’ space. In 2020 / 2021, she had a scholarship from the Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme, in the course of which she began to research a herstory of the internet and coding, paralleled with feminist modes of writing. Together with Anna Cairns she created the publishing platform Mayer developed works for, e.g.: Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe, Kunstverein München, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Kunstverein Leipzig, K21 Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle Lingen, Ludlow38 MINI/Goethe-Institut New York, Kunsthalle Bielefeld.
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Code, Text, Type
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