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Sophia Eisenhut

Biographic Note

Sophia Eisenhut (*1995 in Regensburg) is an artist and writer whose work is concerned with the performativity and materiality of writing in the context of a feminist critique of language and the void of a female mode of writing, among other things. Her practice includes writing, audio, performance, and installation. Most recently, her volume EXERCITIA S. Catarinae de Manresa: Anorexie und Gottesstaatlichkeit was published by Merve Verlag. She lives in Berlin.


Lesung eines Cut-Ups von Sophia Eisenhut aus der Email-Korrespondenz zwischen Sophia Eisenhut und Katrin Mayer, zwischen Januar und Mai 2021 für


A Collective Reading and Listening, initiated by Katrin Mayer on Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 7pm, with (in order of appearance): Eva Meyer & Eske Schlüters, Karolin Meunier, Sophia Eisenhut, Stanton Taylor, Sarah Kürten & Liv Rahel Schwenk, Jana Seehusen, Jasmina Metwaly, Hanne Loreck, Ann-Kathrin Eickhoff & Sarah Lehnerer.

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Beginn ab Minute 34:00

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